Damon: Hello, Katherine.
Katherine: Where am I?
Damon: Where you should have been all along. I thought you would have learned your lesson by now About messing with a bennett witch.
Katherine: You should have killed me.
Damon: Death would have been too kind. Katherine: No! Damon, don’t.Damon, don’t. You need me. Elena’s in danger.
Damon: From who? You’re lying. You’re always lying.
Katherine: Why do you think I haven’t killed her? She’s the doppelganger. She needs to be protected.
Damon: Then I’ll protect her. While you rot in hell.
Katherine: No. Damon, don’t. I’ll do anything. Please, Damon. You need me. Damon! You need me! You need me!
The Vampire Diaries - 2.07 “Masquerade”
[El mejor capitulo que vi en mi vida]